Embrace the Ordinary
Read More: Embrace the OrdinaryThe Church season between Pentecost and Advent is called Ordinary time. It can seem like an endless period of drab, vibrant or basic green, the season’s liturgical
See and Reflect
Read More: See and ReflectThis week I offer you something different. As we approach the official start of summer it is easy to see the natural world bursting forth around us. In
Allow for Nurturing
Read More: Allow for Nurturing“Come to me, all you who are struggling hard and carrying heavy loads, and I will give you rest.Put on my yoke, and learn from me. I’m gentle
May There Be Abundant Peace
Read More: May There Be Abundant PeaceIn the midst of so much to mourn in the world at large and for dear friends and family, I found myself awakening in great joy today. The