A Message from Mother Elizabeth

Dear Christ Episcopal Church Family,

When the Search Committee, the Vestry of Christ Episcopal Church and I said yes to the Holy Spirit and began our time together, we started a beautiful phase of Christ Church’s journey as a community sharing Christ’s welcoming love.

Out of God’s deep love for us, we worked to bear fruit and to transform lives through welcoming, healing, providing material goods, listening, and joining together in worship. We studied scripture together, gardened, sang, ate wonderful meals, and importantly offered a safe space to weep and to rejoice with one another. We appreciated being a people with a range of political views, economic backgrounds, health situations, and racial and cultural origins with a shared love of Jesus Christ.

My time walking with you in the work we were sent to do is coming to an end. Through prayer, guidance of the Holy Spirit and physical medical realities, I recognize I must focus on my own health to a degree that being a full-time rector does not allow. I shall be going forth in whatever work and ministry the Spirit shows me in the future, but right now, I am entering a space of healing and quiet discernment. My last Sunday at Christ Episcopal Church will be July 31, 2022.

Be assured the work of the Holy Spirit in this place remains very active. We never stop listening for the Holy Spirit and joining in discernment of the work we are given to do. Let us take time to celebrate the fruits of our ministry together over the last seven years. Let us be open to what we can let go of and what new is on the horizon for us to do. Let us be attentive to where God is active among us.

I will miss you all greatly and treasure you and this community. I know God will be with you, and you still have much work to do and love to share as do I.

With every blessing,

Mother Elizabeth

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