Continuing in the Fellowship

Our baptismal promises lay the foundation for our lives and behavior toward one another and God.  The very first one asks us to promise we will continue in the Apostles’ teaching and fellowship.  It seems a daunting task to continue in fellowship when we gather online or six-feet apart in small in-person groups.   Yet at Christ Church we have continued in the teaching and the fellowship and give thanks for our Fellowship Team leader, Barb Stanton.    Barb embodies the spirit of fellowship and care for the community.  

Below is the Fellowship Team’s annual report for 2020.  We will be sending these reports out over the next weeks and gathering them in one document to save.  Each report reminds us how we continue to be Church during the pandemic and challenges us to seeks ways to keep our baptismal promises and sharing Christ’s welcoming love as we proclaim in our mission statement.

This year we:

  • Hosted Sunday morning Coffee Hours – through March 
  • Hosted Covered Dish Dinner for Epiphany celebration on January 6 
  • Hosted Covered Dish Brunch for Annual Meeting in January
  • Organized Pancake Supper/Mardi Gras celebration held on Shrove Tuesday in February
  • Hosted 5 successful blood drives (March, April, June, September and November)  in the Great Hall through the Red Cross
  • Cleaned and organized kitchen pantry, drawers, cupboards and refrigerators

As a result of COVID, since March we have only been able to gather together on ZOOM and Mass on the Grass. It has been different but we hope you are searching out other ways of sharing while staying safe. Making phone calls, talking with friends and relatives on face time, getting to know your neighbors working in their yards, or just smiling to others with your eyes can all be rewarding.  However, we continue to look forward to vaccine availability and getting back together in person sometime in 2021.  In the meantime, wear a mask, self distance and try to practice fellowship in a way that is meaningful to you.  

The Fellowship Team

Let us go forth into the world being Church and caring for one another. 

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