Like good stewards of the manifold grace of God, serve one another with whatever gift each of you has received.
1 Peter 4:10
Our stewardship campaign this year highlights “Faith-Filled Generosity.” As we have faced disruptions, losses, and anxieties this past year, I have been impressed by the creativity, generosity and commitment of the Christ Episcopal Church community. Our Church was and is always open, though our ability to gather in-person has varied and now is under tighter restrictions. Holy Week offered beautiful worship each day, and a Morning Prayer team quickly formed to offer daily worship via Facebook live. Sunday school remains lively, and we stayed in touch with one another.
Our stewardship and our mission this year have been focused on service as well as new ways to worship and to connect. The CHOW® food pantry remained open throughout the pandemic under precautionary measures. Thanks to the Spirit-inspired tower of toilet paper we built in January 2020 and the donations of toiletries, diapers and feminine products, we have supported many people through these difficult times. Katie’s Clothing Closet is active and our Winter Warmth project is ready to start as soon as temperatures drop.
I have witnessed the countless ways that you all have used your resources and stretched your comfort zone for the mission of the Christ Church and to help each other. The first response to the coronavirus I heard was concern for one other and our broader community. We are learning new skills, imagining new ways of being church even as we treasure the tradition of our worship and long to gather together once again. Our beautifully updated website and our online worship not only help us but are wonderful tools to bring God’s word people we do not yet know. I have found it inspiring and hopeful as we plan our work together in 2021.
This coming year, we will explore the way that our generosity is inspired by our faith. How will you discover and use the gifts you have been given to help our church this year? How will you hear the Gospel call to seek and serve Christ in all people, and respond with generosity? As I look at each family, each individual in our community, I realize that we are the stewards of God’s manifold grace because we give to the world from what we have received.
I invite you to use the donation form with grace and prayer as you consider how you will share with God and God’s Church from what you have received. You can:
- enter the amount you wish to give
- select the fund you would like to support, for example the General Fund or the Capital Improvement Fund
- Decide whether it is a one-off donation or a recurring donation
- Dedicate the donation to a loved one and optionally have us mail a physical or electronic card to the honoree
Whatever you decide to do, we humbly request that you make your pledge no later than December 14, 2020.
In the spirit of generosity and love,
Mother Elizabeth and the Stewardship Team
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