The bunny ears disappeared. For a few weeks before Easter, our neighbor had dozens of colorful bunny ears placed in his hedge. It looked like many Easter bunnies were hiding out just waiting to deliver chocolate and eggs. Each time I drove by my heart lifted seeing this whimsy and knowing Easter was coming.
The bunny ears disappeared just as Eastertide began. I am reminded of people who take down Christmas decorations on December 26 just as Christmastide starts. We so often anticipate a season and then celebrate only the first day. One joy of being Episcopalian is we throw ourselves into each season for as long as it lasts.
We need a little Easter in a world facing many challenges. Let us throw ourselves into the Great 50 days of Eastertide. Early Christians honored the season thoroughly.
Maybe bunny ears not the most appropriate for keeping this Christian season but what about balloons, great displays of flowers, alleluias? In the northern hemisphere nature sends us many blooms even in the lingering snows of Central New York.
Let us rejoice. Christ is Risen. We are forgiven. We are invited into eternal life. We are deeply loved.
Let us look for ways to show and share our rejoicing.
—Perhaps our days could begin with some alleluias.
—We can go forth into the fray of the world assuming the best about others.
Others are not out to get us. Even if proven they are, we can meet them without hatred and anger and instead know God deeply loves them and us and sees us all as one.
— We can pay attention to what another human needs and offer food, clothing, listening ears and more. “Feed my sheep,” Jesus tells Peter in this week’s lesson.
— Get out our musical instruments or whatever we use to hear music. Sing out!
— Notice the natural world around us as Maryse urged. What a gift is our earth!
— Spend time in prayer and reflection. Forward Movement’s Great 50 Days and Scott Gunn’s reflection on Eastertide, Easter Triumph, Easter Joy, are gems.
Our liturgy in this season reflects our urge to rejoice. We leave out the confession; we do not kneel; and, importantly, we sing and say many alleluias. We baptize, and this year we will welcome Madeline on May 22.
Alleluia, Christ is Risen!! The Lord is Risen indeed, Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia.
With every blessing for Eastertide,
Mother Elizabeth
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