Christ Episcopal Church celebrates joyfully reverent worship every Sunday at 10:00 am.
Eucharistically centered, members anticipate Sunday worship as a gathering of friends who deeply engage scripture and are nourished together at the Lord’s table. Holy Eucharist Rite II is primarily used, with supplemental texts and Rite I used occasionally. Christ Church’s liturgical flexibility is further evident in the summer when we also gather on Saturday evenings for Mass on the Grass. The Tuesday Eucharist at Noon in the Dewees Chapel focuses on the major and lesser feasts of the Church. Rosary is prayed in the Chapel twice a month. Christ Church appreciates and is committed to excellence in liturgical music. The choir leads worship in a variety of musical styles. We hope that all who join us for worship are nourished spiritually and inspired by the Holy Spirit in community.
Music at Christ Church
Music at Christ Church
Christ Church’s musical opportunities are integral to our worship as a community of faith. All of our musical opportunities are open to the entire community, regardless of faith tradition. Whether you are new to the Episcopal Church, a long-time member, or just someone who wants a great musical experience, you are welcome!
Choral Program
Christ Church’s Choral Program is open to all members of the community, regardless of faith tradition. From our Chancel Choir to our Choristers, there are singing opportunities for all ages.
The Choral Program is affiliated with the Royal School of Church Music. Our youth choral program (Choristers) is intended to be a stepping stone to the Chancel Choir, not only creating a foundation of singing, but also creating a foundation of faith.

The Choristers, ages 6 and up, sing during the academic year for the 10am Sunday service (first Sunday of the month, September-June). The choir follows the Royal School of Church Music “Voice for Life” curriculum, a graded program that teaches healthy singing habits, musical skills and understanding, and repertoire, while also teaching ensemble behavior (commitment, punctuality, responsibility) within a context of Christian ministry.
Rehearsals are on Wednesdays from 5:15-6:15pm and at 9:00am on the first Sunday of the month.
Click here to register your child for the Choristers.
Chancel Choir
Singing weekly at the 10am Sunday liturgy, the Chancel Choir is essential to our worship. From leading hymns and service music to inspiring prayer through choral anthems, this dedicated ensemble proclaims the glory of God through song. Membership is open to the public, regardless of faith, and no audition is required. Music reading skills are helpful, but not mandatory, and can be gained and improved through regular attendance.
Rehearsals are held on Wednesday evenings from 7:00-8:30pm and on Sunday mornings at 9:00am.
Click here to register for the Chancel Choir.
Instrumental Opportunities
As with our Choral Program, our Instrumental Program is open to all members of the community, regardless of faith tradition.
Do you or your child play an instrument?
Instrumentalists enhance our worship by playing hymns, playing in ensembles, or presenting solo works, accompanied by piano or organ. If your child is preparing a recital or school performance, a Sunday morning service is an excellent opportunity to try out some repertoire!
Click here to let us know if you’d like to play for a service.

Chiming Guild
Christ Church is proud to have a tower chime of 11 bells. Like a carillon, a chime is played from a console similar to a piano or organ. Chimes have 8 to 22 bells, whereas a carillon is a much larger instrument.
Members of the community are encouraged to join the Chiming Guild. Some of our chimers read music; others play tunes by using a numerical system.
The chime is rung before and after Sunday services and at weddings. The tower bell, which is separate from the chime, is rung at funerals, with the number of tolls representing the age of the deceased.

Weekday Worship
What does worship look like on Tuesdays?
- Worship on Tuesdays is in the Dewees Chapel at Christ Episcopal Church–enter the door at the parking lot.
- Our Episcopal liturgy uses language and prayers that are relevant to our lives in the 21st Century.
- Scripture is read, followed by a homily about the scripture or the commemorated saint of the day.
- The Holy Eucharist, communion, is shared.
- All are welcome.

Sacraments of the Church

Christian marriage is a solemn and public convenient between two people in the presence of God. It is a time to celebrate the joy of love which finds its source in the love of God.

Holy Baptism is full initiation by water and the Holy Spirit into Christ’s body, the Church. It is an outward and visible sign of God’s grace in response to the Good News of Jesus Christ. It is that sacrament which both grants authority and empowerment for mission and ministry.

In worship, Christ Church prays for the welfare of the world, its leaders, and our nation; for the concerns of our local community, those who suffer or are in trouble, and the departed; we pray for the Church everywhere and its mission. If you would like to include a prayer in our prayer list, call or email our church office.

Funerals provide healing comfort to those who mourn. The Episcopal liturgy creates a sacred space of remembrance and thanksgiving during the grief the accompanies death.