Tour d’Horizon

Thursday Reflection reminds me of a favorite experience of 8th grade.   Our English teacher gave us a standing assignment:  write or speak about a subject of your choice each week.   I loved standing assignment, offering my fondness for Piglet (having sewn my own stuffed toy) and my wrestling with the Vietnam war.   In this space, I have a standing assignment to wrestle with God and to share; I continue as episcopoet. (See note below)

When an Ambassador departs post, s/he offers a tour d’horizon, a survey of where the Embassy is upon departure. What follows is a brief circuit of the horizon at Christ Church. 

Our mission statement, Sharing Christ’s Welcoming Love, appeared on many buildings as part of the now more famous LUMA festival which we supported from the start.  Sharing Christ’s Welcoming Love emblazoned our tables at PRIDE Palooza, BU orientation and civic engagement gatherings and our presence at local parades.  With a new way of living with the pandemic, our mission goes forth in logo and practice once more.  The BU Interfaith Council which I helped launch at last can gather in person again.  

We show radical hospitality in our CHOW Pantry, emergency food bank, Katie’s Charity Closet, and Winter Warmth.  Our ramp railings now are known as places to provide needed items for others.  Businesses launched from our kitchen and office space moved to their own space.  Come visit the new Venezuelan restaurant on Chenango Street.   

That dangerous Bible study which awakens hearts and through which the Spirit moves continues to join Sunday school children eager to return to their choir, and ever more ideas of how to support our local community.   Supporting Veterans remains important as we recall our bicycle donation so that vets have easier transportation.   Hospitality reached rural Kentucky and I hear sights are set on our own suffering in Broome, Tioga and Chenango counties.  

Sunday school thrives and the Spirit is working among our Youth to return; can’t wait for Super Bowl Subs.   Worship is sublime, joyful, and full of hope.  Christ Church is open to the Spirit in exploring new paths in music from Evensong and choristers, to Summer Chamber Music Camp, and an embrace of a beautiful new piano while our organ is refurbished.  We discover hymns from the array of our Episcopal choices.   We care about the healing of our planet.

Our worship provides a safe space and beauty of holiness each week and in the People of Blessing service, the Recovery Service each September, the honoring of the Haudensaunee Thanksgiving statement, and exciting traditions at Epiphany, the Feast of St. Mary Magdalene and All Hallows Eve.  We celebrate the voices of children and the delight of many baptisms.  

The centrality of love and radical hospitality are my own charisms and driving force, and what a joy it has been to encourage, challenge, nurture and tenderly love you.  The ministries and gifts are yours as Christ Church.   It is hard to leave you, but God is calling me to my own next chapter even as the Spirit is guiding you as community to yours.  “We’ve had a lot of fun and tried great things,” as someone remarked.  The Holy Spirit certainly is a source of adventure. 

I love you always.  Godspeed. 

With every blessing,

Mother Elizabeth    Keep on reflecting

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